Friday, September 12, 2008

Men, Rise up.

As conservative Christians are up in arms, and raising serious points that fellow brothers and sisters should not vote for a woman for vice president, I ask you this:

Where are the men?

Conservative Christians should be upset that a woman is on the ticket for vice president. However, do you realize the alternative? Evil prevails when good people do nothing. You can choose to do nothing, or you can choose to vote for something as close to what you believe in as you can find.

Some have said that they have a candidate that they would support. A candidate that meets all of their criteria. Hardly a household name, but someone they hold up and will vote for. The sad thing is, their candidate may tie with write in votes for the family cat.

This raising up of Sarah Palin should be an awakening for the men of our time. Yes, men should lead. And what do we have? A woman on the ticket. Men, wake up, rise up, be counted and serve where God has placed you.

So is a woman in leadership the absolute right answer Biblicialy speaking? You do realize that God has raised up women before in biblical history... why do we think that WE are above it. We are a fallen people here too in America. Women rising up was in the wake of men failing to come up to the task.

Do we forget how Ross Perot effected the election of Bill Clinton? If it weren't for Perot, we may be looking at a different course of history. In our home state of Delaware alone, Ross Perot received a little over 10% of the vote in 1996. Not enough to make the difference locally in the election, but add it up nationwide, and there is a huge effect.

Myself, I don't have a cat to write in. Just two birds and a basset hound so far.

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